lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

june 20-24

Ethics and Values:
I think in this times are very lost values ​​that nobody cares happens around no values ​​nature in sentimental even in children. the ethic is something that very few people have that right now all want to fix the table below.

What Should Have to get permission teenagers for?
Must learn to respect what is not yours, Porl much before you do something you have to ask if you can.

Must learn to respect private property that no one likes to get into their land. so if you do not respect they can get into serious problems that do not know how reactionary the owner of that land.
put aside if the sign is a hazard that could aver and thus avoid an accident.

Participate in a simulation project, where we pretended a davamos totilleria and our view on some improvements that could make to the process.

An example of ethics: this happens a lot in the social rehabilitation, if the prisoner has money can yegar a settlement with the judge and goes free or on bail, but if they leave no money there and even graduates become distressed by help.

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