domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

4-8 april-video

Monday Video Report

Unit 7

are a group of friends who begin to discuss different colors and say that some are boring, ugly and some colors are very good, then one of the guys says if that does not have a suitable combination and if preunta it seems the green to the girl and she replied that he had not thought of that color.

1.- They are seeing diferenttypes of colors and asking what color makes feel more happy or sad or tired and they are fighting because know one agree with the color of the other people and they are disagree in what color they want to paint the walls.

2.- Marie is so quiet and doctor cheer is giong to help Marie so she can laugh but doesn´t work and then doctor cheer give her a chocolate and Marie isn´t quiet anymore she is happy with the chocolate that doctor cheer give her.

3.- Is like a survey asking to diferent people how diferent are they from his brothers what kind of personalities have each one.

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